Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Summer plans into Fall 2008

Our summer 2008 meeting installed our new President Jenny Bolander.

Zsuzsanna is now past President and will stay Communication Director.

Please bring/send to Fran Karanovitch your membership dues

(SIUE, P.O. Box 1125 Edwardsville, IL 62026)

73$ (49 national + 10 state + 14 branch).
Make check to: AAUW SIUE Branch

Topics in discussion:

Discussed couple of ideas for Fall 2008/Spring 2009 plans of action:

-preventing sexual harassment

-women in the job hunt and negotiating salary

-risk taking and opportunity for women

- Cathy Santanello mentioned the “Safe Zone” here at SIUE and possible collaboration in activities

Linda Morice will research on AAUW web site and compile a list of possible topics and send them out on the Branch list for online pool and members will choose the most appealing.

Please check your e-mail and vote on a couple of good topics as activity for Fall 2008 and plan for Spring 2009.

We have T-shirts with the “AAUW SIUE Branch” logo. Sizes S, M, L (more L couple of S and M). T-shirts are purchased with a suggested donation of 10$ which goes toward our branch funds. T-shirts will be found at Fran Karanovitch our new Financial VP (cash or check accepted).

Update on Spring 2008 activities

We had two great actions celebrating Equal Pay Day: a panel of discussions and a walk-a-ton.

Celebrating EQUAL PAY DAY

April 22nd is a day designed to promote pay equity among men and women

AAUW SIUE Branch will celebrate with two actions listed below

April 22nd 2008 – Equal Pay Day

Panel discussion concerning equal pay in today’s society

11:00 AM -12:15 PM

Peck Hall 2304


Dr. Ayse Evrensel – Economics & Finance

Dr. Mike Dudley – Psychology

Dr. Linda Morice – Educational Leadership

Dr. Linda Markowitz – Sociology & Criminal Justice Studies


Dr. Laurie Puchner – Educational Leadership


April 29th 2008 - Equal Pay Day walk-a-thon

12PM (noon) – around 2PM

meeting on the Quad at the ROCK

Free participation in a 5K walk

& T-shirt with donation

Students, Faculty, and Staff

Come and join us for a 5K walk on SIUE paths


Monday, February 25, 2008

Agenda - meeting February 2008

  • AAUW SIUE Branch Mission Statement:

Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.

Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Update from Fall 2007:

Two great activities with huge success on campus were:

Jane Adams Day celebration – November 26th, 2007; presentation by Dr. Connie Frey

Fill a wish action - donations for Oasis Women center in Alton:

Our "Fill a wish" action to collect items for Oasis Women Center in Alton was a success!

I delivered the many donated items five (5) times:

November 29th, 2007
December 5th, 2007
December 6th, 2007
December 7th, 2007
December 11th, 2007

There were many individual donations, and we had some offices that adopted this time our action. Among those offices who adopted us were:
- Early Childhood Center
- Bursar's Office
- Provost Office
- SIUE Foundation Office
- and anonymous offices who left donations for us

Also thank you to all individuals who dropped items and mailed donations at our
locations from:
- Peck Hall
- Alumni Hall
- Engineering Building

Agenda discussions:

  1. Linda Morice- update on membership and finance: we are 22 members!

We will start gathering dues for the next AAUW membership year as of April before the end of semester

  1. Plan for actions and activity opportunities for Spring 2008

March 13th, 2008 – 3:30PM @ UMSL -- “Preventing sexual harassment on campus”

March 15th, 2008 – GEMS- 8AM- 1PM-- Lewis & Clark Community College Alton

March 19th, 2008--- Peck Hall 2407 @ 11-12:15PM

Women’s month activity:

Cultural & Linguistic Diversity (as a Resource) in the Classroom

Ralph Cordova, Seran Aktuna, Joel Hardman,

Zsuzsanna Szabo, & Howard Rambsy

April 12th, 2008 – District 1 meeting in Belleville – luncheon (more info to come soon) – AAUW SIUE Branch rep: Zsuzsanna Szabo & who else would like to volunteer

April 22nd – Equal Pay day— discussion panel:

          • Ayse Evrensel/Economica & Finance;
          • Linda Morice / Education
          • Nursing
          • Sociology

· Making Waves – collaboration for a walk a ton in honor of Equal pay day.

May 2-3 AAUW-Illinois State Convention; Holiday Inn Select in Naperville

AAUW SIUE Branch rep: Jenny Bolander & who else would like to volunteer

June 1 Deadline: Branch Officer forms due to Association and to the state

June 11 – 15 Prepare and mail Branch Dues Reports (BDR) to State Finance Director and Association Membership Department to be received no later than

July 1, 2008 New membership and fiscal year begins

FYI – women in administration positions or aspiring for leadership positions two great opportunities:

Friday, April 18, 2008

9:00-3:00 p.m.

"Overcoming Barriers: Supporting Women in Educational Leadership,"

Hampton Inn & Suites, 320 S.Towanda Avenue, Normal, IL 61761

Friday and Saturday, April 18-19, 2008

“Dare to Be Great “

Ewing Manor

48 Sunset Road (Corner of Emerson & Towanda)

Bloomington, IL 61701

Below information for the activities presented above:



March 13, 2008
3:30 PM
Century Room C
Millennium Student Center

Moderated by Lisa Maatz, Director of Government Relations and Public
Policy at the American Association of University Women (AAUW)

Deborah Burris, UM-St. Louis, Director of Equal Opportunity
Ann Prenatt, Washington University, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
Ellen Reed, UM-St. Louis, Graduate Research Assistant
The Honorable Lloyd J. Vasquez, Jr., US EEOC, Administrative Judge

Drawing the Line: Sexual Harassment on Campus by Catherine Hill and Elena Silva,
published by AAUW (2005), describes the findings from a nationally representative
survey of undergraduate college students conducted in spring 2005. This
report contributes to our understanding of how college students perceive, experience,
and respond to sexual harassment and provides useful information for creating
a campus climate that is free from bias and harassment. The report will be
available for purchase at the event.

AAUW's Legal Advocacy Fund provides funding and a support system for individuals
seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination.
Please RSVP
Phone: 314-516-5695
Fax: 314-516-5673
Office of Equal Opportunity
One University Blvd
127 Woods
St. Louis, MO 63121
M I S S O U R I - S T . L O U I S
March 13, 2008
3:30 PM
Century Room C
Millennium Student Center
The St. Louis Branch of AAUW is
co-sponsor of this event.

This event is FREE and open to the PUBLIC.


Girls Explore, Experience and

Experiment in Math and Science

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Girls in grades six, seven, and eight are invited to attend the 13th annual GEMS conference Saturday March 15th, at Lewis and Clark Community College. Girls will have the opportunity to learn about careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as they participate in hands-on workshops taught by women scientists, engineers and other professionals.

Topics will include:

HEALTH - Nursing, Dentistry, Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Community Activism, Organic Gardening.
SCIENCE - Physiscs, Aviation, Geography, Cartography, Robotics, Environmental Science
ENGINEERING - Science Magic, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Teaching engineering at the university level
TECHNOLOGY - Computer Science, Genetics and DNA, Criminology, Robotics, Money and Accounting Law
RELATED SCIENCE FIELDS - Biology, Soils, Archeology, Gemstones

In addition, all girls will participate in
Welcome to the Real World,"
a program sponsored by the University of Illinois Extension Program, that lets girls get a glimpse of the real world of career choices, decision-making and money management.

For more information, contact:
Sharon Jenkins
Phone: 692-0231

or visit:

Activities sponsored by:

AAUW Illinois Inc.
Piasa Area Council
AAUW SIUE branch
AAUW Wood River branch
Alpha Kappa Sorority Inc.
Edwardsville Area Alumnae Chapter


Overcoming Barriers
On Friday evening at 7:30 p.m.,

Dr. Briles will Dr. Judith Briles
speak at IWA’s 20th Annual Dare to be Great Conference.

This Friday evening and Saturday morning conference will be held at
the historic Ewing Manor - less than one mile from the Hampton Inn & Suites!

For more information about IWA’s
Dare to be Great Conference, please visit

Working in an environment that supports
mediocrity, not being given the information or
tools to do a job effectively, and working
under managers who have no business
managing all can create stress and frustration
for women in the workplace. This 6-hour
workshop will provide participants with tools
they can use to foster a healthier work environment
for themselves and others.

A block of hotel rooms
has been reserved at the
Hampton Inn & Suites, Normal, IL.
Call 1-309-452-8900 to secure
overnight lodging with
your credit card.


Dare to be Great 2008
“Overcoming Barriers”

Illinois Women Administrators Annual Spring Conference
Friday and Saturday, April 18-19, 2008
Ewing Manor
48 Sunset Road (Corner of Emerson & Towanda)
Bloomington, IL 61701

Schedule of Events
Please join us for IWA’s annual Dare to be Great conference as we honor the experiences and accomplishments of outstanding women who have positively influenced Illinois education. This year’s honorees are:
Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat, Principal
Whittier Primary School, Peoria District 150
Becky McCabe, Assistant Superintendent
DeKalb District 428
Dr. Deborah Curtis, Dean
College of Education, Illinois State University

Friday, April 18th
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. – Arrival and networking over beverages and hors d’oeuvres
7:30 – 8:00 p.m. – IWA business meeting and installation of new officers
8:00 – 8:45 p.m. – Speaker: Dr. Judith Briles
8:45 – 9:30 p.m. – Dessert and more networking

Saturday, April 19th
9:00 – 9:30 a.m. – Arrival and Continental breakfast buffet
9:30 – 10:15 a.m. – Speaker: Dr. Susan Katz
10:15 – 10:30 a.m. – Break
10:30 – 12:00 p.m. – Presentations by Dare to be Great Honorees
12:00 – 1:00 p.m. – Buffet Luncheon and Adjournment

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Girls Explore, Experience, and Experiment in Math and Science

Lewis and Clark Community College
Saturday, March 15 2008

Girls in grades 6, 7, and 8 are invited to attend the 13th annual GEMS conference Saturday, March 15, at Lewis and Clark Community College. Girls will have the opportunity to learn about careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics as they particitpate in hands-on workshops taught by women scientists, engineers and other professionals.

Conference Schedule

8:00-8:30 Pick up GEMS Workshop folders
8:30-8:45 Welcome by Patricia Penelton, GEMS Taskforce Co-Chair
8:45-9:00 Keynote Speaker:
Ms. Nicole Adewale Principal /Director of Business Development ABNA Engineering, St. Louis

9:00 Parents/Adults dismissed to their Special Workshop
9:00-9:30 Lois Smith, University of IL Extension Educator, Introduction of
“Welcome to The Real World”

9:40-10:25 Workshop Session 1
10:25-10:40 Break
10:45-11:35 Workshop Session 2
11:45-12:30 Workshop Session 3
12:35-1:00 Wrap Up/Hand in Evaluations, Receive T-shirt & "Goody Bag"

G.E.M.S. is not reponsible for any students after 1:00 PM

G.E.M.S. Mission:
To increase young women’s interest in mathematics, science and technology; To encourage and promote young women’s continuing involvement in mathematics, science and technology courses in high school and college; and To provide young women an opportunity to learn about careers in mathematics, science and technology.

G.E.M.S. Sponsors
American Association of University Women – Piasa Area Council: Alton, Jerseyville, Wood River & SIUE Branches
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.: Edwardsville Area Alumnae Chapter

Conference Contributors
Alton Community Service League, Alton Memorial Hospital, Alton Unit School District # 11, The Bank of Edwardsville, Edwardsville Unit School District #7, Farmers State Bank - Jerseyville, The Jane Henry Charitable Trust, Dr. Jeffrey A. and Mr. Joel W. Jungers, Lewis & Clark Community College, Madison Co. Regional Superintendent, Macoupin, Green, Jersey Co. Reg. Supt., The Monticello Foundation

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Back History Month

Here a good web site you can take your kids to learn history the easy way; if you click on the pictures below will take you to the web page and give you more information:

Black History Month reflects on, celebrates and honors the African-American experience from the times of slavery through the present day. Everywhere you look, black culture, talent, and expression have played an enormous role in shaping America’s past and present.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

GEMS is getting closer....

Many thanks to the following:

Mary Lillesve (Jerseyville Branch), Nancy Goodson (Wood River), Suzanne and Paul Lagomarcino (Wood River), Don and Sharon Jenkins (Alton, W.R., SIUE), Patti Penelton (W.R., SIUE), Janet Kutter (WR), Joan Gusewelle (WR), Jan Dunbar (Alton), Carol Laird (Alton, WR), Theo Tonkinson (WR, SIUE), Penny Parish (Jerseyville), Linda Brazier (WR, Alton), Dean & Donnie Calvin (WR, SIUE), Margaret Powell (Alton), Mary Lou McLaughlin (Jerseyville, WR) for a successful session on Monday, 2/4/08, of putting on almost 4,000 labels to mail out GEMS brochures to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.

They drove in the fog to get there, and the many hands made short work of the task.
Many thanks to these branches for their support.
This Conference is going to be great!
Patti Penelton & Sharon Jenkins, Co-Chairs.