Saturday, June 02, 2007

Fun Day _Yard Sale

Thank you to the following who were present at any point in time for the Yard Sale on June 2nd, 2007:

Patricia Pennelton & her husband & her sister
Susan Yager
Terri Poirier & her dog Trevor
Jo Ann Hall
Laurie Puchner & her kids Maggie and Luke & dog Oliver
Linda Morice
Mariana Solares
Sharon Jenkins & her husband
Zsuzsanna & Taylor (dog) & her neighbors (JoAnn and Sandy) who donated items for our Yard sale
Donyell who was here in spirit and on-call :-)

We were so busy having fun that I completely forgot to take some pictures of the meeting :-(
So, just imagine :-) but you can see the dogs below...

We raised some $45 and I thought the 50 is a nice round sum, so we have $50.00 !!!

Have a GREAT summer!

Taylor and Trevor

Oliver & Taylor