Friday, December 15, 2006

Fill a wish!


Our December 2006 action "Fill a wish" - we collected donations for the Oasis Women Center in Alton, IL - was a great success. At the Oasis Center women and their children victims of domestic abuse and violence find shelter. Many of them leave home without even the necessary clothing and hygiene items.

Many generous faculty, staff, and even students, participated in our action and donated all needed items. Couple of offices - Bursar, Continuing Education - adopted our action as their Christmas office celebration.
All of you making these generous donations are amazing members of our SIUE family!

On behalf of all who will benefit of your donations the AAUW SIUE branch presents our thanks and appreciation!
We wish everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year too!

Couple of pictures with our two fully loaded cars with your generous donations are posted below.

We collected new items:

-diapers all sizes
-baby sleepers all sizes
-toys for all ages
-batteries AA and AAA
-towels and wash clothes
-sheets (twin and full size)
-pillow cases
-women personal items
-women beauty care
-hair brushes
-bath and body works (all kind of items)
-hand sanitizer & hand wash
-bubble bath
-postage stamps
-women underwear (all sizes)
-back pack for kids for school
-Children clothes and underwear
-crafts and building crafts for kids to work on

Among donations were also monetary donations and used clothing for women and children (all sizes).
Since their need is constant we will continue to gather donations.
We hope to repeat this action in the Spring of 2007 when people usually do their Spring cleaning.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Why we fight

Panel discussion on the concept of war & 9/11

Monday, September 11, 2006 @ 1:40-2:45pm
Science Building-room 0209

Screening: WHY WE FIGHT
Eugene Jarecki's documentary about the anatomy of the American war machine, combining personal stories with commentary by military and political insiders.
Winner of the 2005 Grand Jury Prize at Sundance.


Discussions based on the documentary
“WHY WE FIGHT” concerning the military industrial-complex
and its effect on us

Faculty Panel Members:
Dr. Marie Bryd-Blake, Dr. Peter Bukalski,
Dr. Ronald Glossop, Dr. Rita Sander

Dr. Rita Sander

Very interesting discussions based on the topic of documentary.

Dr. Ronald Glossop who is the author of "Confronting war" presented us with a speech on topics of war that incited all in the audience to ponder this many times controversial topic.

Dr. Ronald Glossop

Dr. Marie-Byrd-Blake helped the audience to bring into awareness our personal biases in discussing any topic, and especially the very touchy one like 'war.'

Dr. Marie Byrd-Blake

Dr. Peter Bukalski, increased the awareness that even a documentary can be biased, even the presentation of 'facts only' in the way the facts are presented will reflect the opinions, thoughts, and biases of those who directed and cut the film. From a point of view of film specialist and film critique, Dr. Bukalski helped the audience to step back, analyze, and critique the documentary as a film production. We were able to detach of the content and look at the documentary as a piece of media.

Dr. Peter Bukalski

The excellent and very interesting discussions covered topics as: Military industrial complex, Oil & Iraq, Isolationalism, neo-imperialism, Islamic fascism and nihilism, different faces of Islam, facts and biases, stereotypes, etc.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Movie smart

June 20th, 2006

One of the best Summer actions "Women’s power on and behind the scene of life" with our guest presenter Jan Lisa Huttner from Witaswan - Films for two.

Jan Lisa Huttner has a Master in Psychology and presented at our meeting new research concerning the influence and success stories of women in a domain dominated by men. She taught us how we can help women to break the celluloid ceiling. Definitely after this meeting all who attended became smart movie consumers and gained new insights about women’s influence in the media and life overall.

The movie: “A jury of her peers” was followed by Q & A.

A jury of her peers
30-minute Oscar-nominated short feature (based on a 1917 novella by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Susan Glaspell) that has become a feminist classic. Believing that a woman killed her husband, a group of men search her house for evidence plus a motive.

Director: Sally Heckel
Year Released:1980
Key Performances:
Diane de Lorian
Hank Giles
Dorothy Lancaster
Mark Margolies
Peter McRobbie


Working Together to Improve Options for Everyone!

Monday, August 28, 2006

When AAUW SIUE was born....

Monday, April 17, 2006!

A new AAUW branch is reborn at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville:


By our first meeting we had the required 15 members in order to officially have a branch.

We elected the President:
Zsuzsanna Szabo

and board members:
Donyell Roseboro, Marie-Byrd-Blake, Elza Ibroscheva, Kim Voss, and Jo Ann Hall.

Sarah Warbelow, from AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund in Washington, D.C., was our guest speaker on "Family Friendly University Policy."
We learned a lot from Sarah and concluded by an increase in membership.
By the end of the day we were 22 members!

Linda Henning Cohen, our AAUW Illinois State VP of Membership honored us with her presence. A couple of members from sister branches from Alton and Wood River joined to hear Sarah Warbelow and meet again with Linda Henning Cohen.

Our big opening event was talked about in two news papers: Journal of Edwardsville, and Alton Telegraph.

The start is promising. We hope for more in the future!

Mission Statement:
AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.

Vision Statement:
AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.