Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Successful "Fill a wish" !

A big THANK YOU!!!

Our "Fill a wish" action to collect items for Oasis Women Center in Alton was a success!

I delivered the many donated items five (5) times:

November 29th, 2007
December 5th, 2007
December 6th, 2007
December 7th, 2007
December 11th, 2007

There were many individual donations, and we had some offices that adopted this
time our action.

Among those offices who adopted us there are:
- Early Childhood Center
- Bursar's Office
- Provost Office
- SIUE Foundation Office
- and anonymous offices who left donations for us

Also thank you to all individuals who dropped items and mailed donations at our
locations from:
- Peck Hall
- Alumni Hall
- Engineering Building

This shows that SIUE is a caring family for those who need us.

Have a great end of semester, also a wonderful winter break!

Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year 2008!
Happy Holidays! - for all holidays you may celebrate at the end of this year

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

"Fill a wish" - in action

Just a quick note to let you know how we are doing with "Fill a wish" Oasis Women Center in Alton donations.

I took today - Dec. 5th - the second load. The first I loaded and delivered on November 29th.
There pretty good amount of donations in Peck Hall location (half of my trunk filled, then Susan Morgan had some from her kids (almost filled my trunk), and picked up some from the Early Childhood.

Last night I was at the International Women Organization meeting, and they donated many nice things, my car got so filled that I could use only the driver's side mirror. I was kind of afraid even driving to Alton, not being able to see too much of the road behind me and I felt like a truck driver :-)

There are more donations to come from Registrar's Office Holiday party - they gather for us their winter drive.
Early Childhood still has more to come, and I have to pick some more today from Engineering building (Susan said she had someone drop items there as well).
In my department, there are two boxes with donations, and Andrea Reaka in Pharmacy will load me today with more.

It really seems we had a overwhelming response which is really wonderful especially when we questioned to do the collection or not this year. I think people like that we offer this opportunity.

Please bring your donations till the end of this week or no later than next Monday -Tuesday December 10th (11th), to give me time to take them to Alton. I have grading and exams to keep too :-)

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Girls Explore, Experience and
Experiment in Math and Science

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Girls in grades six, seven, and eight are invited to attend the 13th annual GEMS conference Saturday March 15th, at Lewis and Clark Community College. Girls will have the opportunity to learn about careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as they participate in hands-on workshops taught by women scientists, engineers and other professionals.

Topics will include:

Nursing, Dentistry, Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Community Activism, Organic Gardening.

Physiscs, Aviation, Geography, Cartography, Robotics, Environmental Science

Science Magic, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Teaching engineering at the university level

Computer Science, Genetics and DNA, Criminology, Robotics, Money and Accounting Law

Biology, Soils, Archeology, Gemstones

In addition, all girls will participate in
Welcome to the Real World,"
a program sponsored by the University of Illinois Extension Program, that lets girls get a glimpse of the real world of career choices, decision-making and money management.

For more information, contact:
Sharon Jenkins
Phone: 692-0231
e-mail: sharonj7@madisonte

or visit: www.lc.edu

Activities sponsored by:

AAUW Illinois Inc.
Piasa Area Council
AAUW SIUE branch
AAUW Wood River branch
Alpha Kappa Sorority Inc.
Edwardsville Area Alumnae Chapter

Monday, November 12, 2007

Fill a wish - 2007

“Fill a wish”

collecting donations for the Oasis Women Center in Alton

Winter Holidays are just around the corner.

Many of you will buy gifts for family and friends and will be looking forward to a well deserved winter break. There are women and their children who unfortunately will not have even the necessary needs not only for Holidays but for the every day living.

Let us all help them in the remainder weeks till winter break.

Our Association of American University Women SIUE Branch started an action

“Fill a wish” – collecting donations for the Oasis Women Center in Alton

(this is a place where abused and battered women and their children find temporary shelter).

Their needs are basic but extremely important.

Please help us make women and their children’s life a little brighter for this Holiday season.

Below a wish list with most needed items.

Please bring your donations to the collection boxes at one of the below three locations:
Alumni Hall 1117,
Engineering Building 2057
Peck Hall 3407  
or call 650-2607 …….. and we will come and thank you when will pick up the items! 

On behalf of the AAUW SIUE Branch and women at the Oasis Center thank you very much for being so generous and helping the ones in dire need!

Have a successful end of semester and very Happy Holidays!

Here is their “Wish List” let us Fill it!

-diapers all sizes

-baby sleepers all sizes

-toys for all ages

-batteries AA and AAA

-towels and wash clothes

-sheets (twin and full size)

-pillow cases

-women personal items

-women beauty care

-hair brushes

-bath and body works (all kind of items)

-hand sanitizer & hand wash

-bubble bath

-postage stamps

-women underwear (all sizes)

-back pack for kids for school

-Children clothes and underwear

-crafts and building crafts for kids to work on

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Jane Adams Day

SIUe Women’s Studies


American Association of University Women


Jane Addams’ Feminist Pragmatism in the

Public and Private Spheres:

A Celebration of Jane Addams

This year marks the inauguration of

Jane Addams Day in Illinois on December 10th

A Nobel Peace Prize winner,

Jane Addams was the founder of the Hull House and

is recognized as a founder of U.S. Sociology as well as Social Work.

Come join us for Dr. Connie Frey’s presentation:

Monday, November 26, 12:00 – 1:15 PM

MUC Mississippi-Illinois room

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fall 2007--- Meeting and planning

Our Fall 2007 meeting (first in this semester) was efficient and productive.

Here in the nutshell what we discussed:
  1. Jenny Bolander update from AAUW National Convention

in Phoenix, AZ June 28th-July 2nd 2007.

· The next National Convention of AAUW in 2009- will be in St. Louis

· 125 year anniversary of AAUW

· For more events and update see webpage AAUW

· Build up the branch and get involved in National 2009 Conference

2. Linda Morice- update on membership and finance
  • 17 members
  • out of them = 2 student affiliates
  • Hooray and WELCOME! to our first two student affiliates!

3. Our Mission and Planning for actions Fall 2007- Spring 2008

Who do we want to be?

  • Legal advocacy
  • Gender equity
  • Students
    • “Academic family”, faculty mentoring support
    • Networking for those who are interested in becoming a faculty

· Discussed Mission Statement:

    • Women leaders in University and community
    • Development 1-2 years and progress to accomplish our mission and goals
    • Speakers and networking and skill development open to university
  • Our Identity: Political Action
  • AAUW SIUE Branch Mission Statement:

Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.

Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Fall 2007 Plans

  • Sexual Harassment on Campus Social Action Theater Project


Sarah Warbelow, LAF AAUW Washington D.C.

Place & time:

UMSL -- on Wed. November 14th at 3:00PM @ Pilot House

which is in the MSC (Millennium Student Center) first floor

  • Jane Adams Day- Guest Speaker
    • Before Thanksgiving or last week of November
    • Advertised in Alestle and newspaper and radio
    • More media exposure: See AAUW video on the AAUW web page.
      • Interesting things to advertise
      • Women negotiate wage raises- women studies students graduate

Spring 2008

· Women’s month = March 2008


In the middle chair see our student affiliate Liz Stygar

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Summer/Fall 2007 update

This summer was very hot and exciting in events.
The AAUW - National Convention was held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Our SIUE branch had a nice group representing us:
Jenny Bolander,
Sharon Jenkins,
Jo Ann Hall, and
Nola Jones.

They enjoyed the numerous activities at the conference and the heat of Arizona.

Jenny reports that she was most impressed with the LAF reports and the awareness (nation wide) that 80% of AAUW members are above 60 years of age.
She made many new friends and learned from the ones who have more years as members in AAUW than Jenny's age :-)

"It is always uplifting to see and feel the power of women. The new wave implemented through the change in bylaws will hopefully bring younger members and men as well."- said Jenny.

As a reflection of the National Convention direction
our branch will focus this scholar year 2007/2008 on recruitment of our faculty and students as well.

See below some memories Sharon Jenkins graciously shares with us.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Fun Day _Yard Sale

Thank you to the following who were present at any point in time for the Yard Sale on June 2nd, 2007:

Patricia Pennelton & her husband & her sister
Susan Yager
Terri Poirier & her dog Trevor
Jo Ann Hall
Laurie Puchner & her kids Maggie and Luke & dog Oliver
Linda Morice
Mariana Solares
Sharon Jenkins & her husband
Zsuzsanna & Taylor (dog) & her neighbors (JoAnn and Sandy) who donated items for our Yard sale
Donyell who was here in spirit and on-call :-)

We were so busy having fun that I completely forgot to take some pictures of the meeting :-(
So, just imagine :-) but you can see the dogs below...

We raised some $45 and I thought the 50 is a nice round sum, so we have $50.00 !!!

Have a GREAT summer!

Taylor and Trevor

Oliver & Taylor

Monday, April 30, 2007

AAUW State Convention

April 28th, 2007
The Chateau Bloomington, Conference Center in Bloomington, IL.

Our branch representatives:
Zsuzsanna Szabo - President
Jenny Bolander - President elect
Sharon Jenkins - Education Fund VP
Patricia Penelton - branch member

We learned about the wind of change that hopefully will bring new ideas and new members as well to the AAUW overall.

MEN CAN BE MEMBERS AS WELL!! - Bring your husbands and friends!

Programs are very important and should be aimed and aligned to the AAUW Mission Statement and Vision Statement:

Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.

Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

There are eight principles of change that AAUW will follow:
1. The most important is that we have a choice.
2. Actions should be focused on shared intention.
3. The future consists of many possible alternatives; our current behavior will realize the imagined future.
4. Discipline and firmeness, agility and flexibility in pursuing the ideals.
5. Conditions to change: a need for change, clear vision, belief, guiding coalition, practical steps, communication, visible and symbolic results, adequate resources.
6. New ideas should be consistent with AAUW values.
7. Expect resistance to change from present members!
8. Change will take place in stages; the important is TO HAVE A CHANGE!

December 10th, was decided to be Jane Adams Day. The first American woman to receive a Nobel Peace Prize on December 10th, 1931. Visit the Museum web site for more info.

Membership now is 71$ (47$ Nations + 10$ State + 14$ Branch)

Jenny is excited to learn more about AAUW business details and to go to Phoenix, AZ in June 29th for the National Convention.


Zsuzsanna donated 5 gift baskets (3 bath items, 2 gardening, 1 office)
we sold four baskets raising funds for our branch needs

Nancy K. Daugherty (left) present State President
Linda Cohen (right) President elect
(both have visited our SIUEbranch in the past)

Present President Nancy and
President elect Linda and her new team

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Branch election results are in

We had a good turn out for the elections meeting (from the pictures below are missing couple of our members who had to leave early to complete their duties as teachers).

We revised our past scholar year accomplishments:

- "Fill a wish" action in Fall 2006, donations to Oasis Women Center in Alton, IL. which was a complete success and we plan on repeating it in the coming Fall 2007
- In January 2007 our silent auction, which was a fun and valuable fund raising action
- Our two used book sale fund raising actions that showed we are ready to be active members and we can work wonderfully together
- In collaboration with Women Studies we participated in the University wide Women History Month activities by inviting Lisa Jan Huttner with a presentation on "The Devil wares Prada"

Membership news:

We have one student affiliate already official in our branch and she is also the Graduate Assitant of Women Studies.

Mariana Solares from our branch will be the new Women Studies Director starting this Fall 2007.
Congratulations to both!!

We are sad to loose two of our valuable members both moving to other Universities:

Donyell Roseboro (and through this we loose our next generation AAUW SIUE branch members: Maya and Siera)

Anne Valk, the present Women Studies Director

University wide news:
Our Branch President Zsuzsanna Szabo met with Provost Paul Ferguson and discussed the AAUW SIUE Branch activities and future plans on SIUE Campus.
We are pleased to have our Provost support.
Provost Ferguson is very interested and supportive of our work and encourages us to reach out to SIUE student and faculty body. The upcoming plans of having a Women Center here on SIUE campus was welcomed and supported as idea by Provost Ferguson.

ELECTIONS results:

President elect: Jennifer Bolander
Program VP: Terri Piorier
Financial VP: Linda Morice
Legal Advocacy VP: Mariana Solares
Student Affiliate Representative: Elizabeth Stygar
Membership VP: it will be each SIUE branch member's duty!
Terri Piorier and Liz Stygar will keep the records and direct the committee that will be formed to lobby for increasing our branch membership

Upcoming news:
- Illinois State Convention April 28th, 2007 up in Bloomington, IL, with four of our members to be present:
Jennifer Bolander
Sharon Jenkins
Patricia Penelton
Zsuzsanna Szabo

- AAUW National Convention, June 28- July 2nd, 2007 Phoenix, AZ:
Jenny Bolander our President elect will go to bring the news back to our branch.
She will be also our SIUE University Representative to the National Convention.
(We thank our Provost Paul Ferguson for his support in nominating our branch President elect as University representative).

In mid May 2007 the new board will meet to set the plans for the Fall 2007- Spring 2008 programs.

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007 (first Saturday in June) we will organize a fun day and Yard sale for our branch. Opportunity for all our members to meet at a coffee, tea, lemonade, snacks and fun at the yard sale.

Some of the members at this meeting are not in the picture
(teaching duties)

Jenny as new President elect takes her duty in serious and already learns from our most experienced branch member Sharon Jenkins

We hope Donyell and the future generation of AAUW will come and visit us
or at least keep in touch by e-mail and pictures

Zsuzsanna is happy to pass the torch to Jenny
they will share the responsibility for the coming year
till Jenny will be full President in July 1st, 2008
so Zsuzsanna can concentrate then on her tenure track duties :-)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Student affiliate project

Our plans for recruiting student affiliates hopefully will materialize in the near future.

Here below a proposal plan (part of the entire paper) that was submitted to the Meridian Society:


Educational Support Opportunities for Female Students:

How Can the SIUE Branch of AAUW Assist?

Zsuzsanna Szabo, Ph. D.

School of Education
President of AAUW, SIUE Branch


Cathy Santanello, Ph. D.

School of Pharmacy

AAUW Member, SIUE Branch

Goals/Objectives achievable during project period

In the spring semester of 2007, the opportunity for the two scholarships will be presented to the student body at SIUE through the existing forms of communication (Student Affairs, the Alestle, WSIE-FM). A decision committee will be formed among members of the AAUW SIUE branch to develop the criteria for the scholarship and to decide on the two female junior students who will be the recipients of the scholarships in the value of $500 each. The two students will then go through a period of acquaintance and training in the objectives and opportunities of AAUW. The two students, under the guidance of faculty members in the AAUW SIUE branch, will develop a workshop plan of action and use available consultation from the coordinator of the Freshman Seminar courses on campus. Throughout the fall 2007 semester, the two scholarship beneficiaries will facilitate at least four workshops each to female college students in their freshman year through the Freshman Seminar courses. At the end of the fall 2007 semester, the two students would have the opportunity to participate at the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders as well as other opportunities for female college students through the AAUW SIUE branch.

From those freshman female students who participate in the workshops, we hope to find the next generation of leaders who will help newcomers in the following academic year. We hope to sustain this scholarship program through future fundraising initiatives so that in the 2008 academic year, the branch will be able to provide two scholarships for the next two female students.


Mission Statement:
AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.

Vision Statement:

AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

The DEVIL is in the Details

Why PRADA is one of the Best Films of 2006

with Jan Lisa Huttner

Jan Lisa Huttner, has a BA from St. John’s College and Masters degrees in Psychology from both Harvard and the University of Chicago. She is the managing editor of FILMS FOR TWO: The Online Guide for Busy Couples, a website (in collaboration with her husband) devoted to promoting films of interest to both male and female audience members, and she is AAUW-Illinois’ Director of International Relations. In 2004 she became the coordinator of a new AAUW-Illinois initiative called WITASWAN (Women in the Audience Supporting Women Artists Now) to mobilize consumer support for women filmmakers.

Jan writes film reviews both online and in print, interviews filmmakers (with an emphasis on female filmmakers), writes regular columns for Chicago’s JUF News and The Digital Filmmaker, and is a popular speaker addressing groups on the subject of women in the film industry, including the “celluloid ceiling” which she will define for us in her presentation. She is a member of the Association for Women Journalists, the Chicago Area Women’s History Council, the Chicago Film Critics Association, the Illinois Woman’s Press Association, and Hadassah's AGAM chapter. She has received awards from several of these groups for her work.

Jan is passionate about films, she likes good films, by all sorts of filmmakers, not just by women. But she also has the ability to show us that the female vision is way beyond “chick flicks” bringing us expanded views of the human condition, the human voice, and the human vision. Why not see more rather than less of what it is to be human?

Using "The Devil Wears Prada" as a case study, Jan gave us some background on women in the film industry, showed a short film of how Prada made it to the big screen, and after discussing this and her interview with the wife/husband director duo of "Little Miss Sunshine," allowed us time to ask our own questions.

See below images of this great presentation.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Second Book sale

Thank you to all our volunteers at the used book sale!

Our second book sale brought our branch members again together for a couple of hours.

We even have finally students being interested in our AAUW SIUE Branch!
YES!!!!! If nothing else, the book sale made us visible on SIUE Campus!

The left over books were donated to the Edwardsville Public Library.
They were very happy to receive over 400 books from us.
And we are happy that the books will not be trashed in the recycle, but they will be checked out by readers.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Upcoming News

April 24th, 2007- Tuesday- 11AM -2PM

AAUW SIUE branch walk-a-ton on Campus bike path

WAGE Clubs and Equal Pay Day

With Equal Pay Day approaching on April 24, AAUW has joined forces with The WAGE Project (http://www.wageproject.org/) and other coalition partners to promote WAGE Clubs, a grassroots effort designed to help close the wage gap and get women treated and paid fairly at work. They are groups of 5-10 women who come together in a safe place where they can obtain support from other women as they share personal stories about sex discrimination at work, gather information, build allies, then go to the top to create change in their workplaces and communities. AAUW branches are encouraged to join this effort by committing to launch WAGE Clubs in their communities and their workplaces. Information about how to start a WAGE Club can be found in the AAUW Pay Equity Resource Kit along with other resources to fight for pay equity.

April 27-28, 2007

You're Invited to the AAUW-Illinois State Convention! in Bloomington, IL


See www.aauw-il.org for registrations forms and other information

Test Your Knowledge of Herstory

Did you know that every week in March, in honor of Women’s History Month, you can test your knowledge of women’s history in the AAUW website’s Member Center? Last week’s question was: When was the 19th Amendment granting women’s suffrage ratified? Go to the member center for the answer and then take this week’s quiz. Use it as a tool to encourage other members to visit the member center regularly to keep up to date on AAUW activities, programs, and services. AAUW Member Center

Strategic Process – Moving Toward Convention

See what member leaders are saying about the process and send us your thoughts. Visit the updated Strategic Process section on the AAUW website.

The 2007 Convention, Phoenix, AZ, June 29 - July 2

At this historic convention meeting, members will vote on a series of bylaws amendments and proposals that will determine the course of AAUW's future. Don’t miss attending!

GEMS in Alton, IL

Four of our members participated in the annual event GEMS (Girls Education in Math and Science) organized by AAUW branches in collaboration with other sponsors from Metro East area.
This action was hosted at Lewis and Clark Community College, in Alton, Saturday March 17th, 2007 from 8AM to 2PM.

This is an annual great event in what girls from grades 6th, 7th, and 8th participate in a half day long "Real World" experience. They learn how to write and balance checkbooks as imagined to be "24 years old graduates." They choose a job, and decide what and how they manage their life as 24 years old young adults. They can choose from a large variety of workshops hosted by guest speakers. The girls have the chance to meet many guest speakers from domains of work usually labeled as man jobs such as: pilot, engineer, scientist, physician, constructor, chemist. Also they can take a quick peak into jobs such as: chef, beautician, nurse, accountant, teacher, lawyer, doctor, mechanic, etc.

This great event was a total success and we can thank also to our branch members who volunteered their Saturday morning for making an exciting experience for the young girls.
Thank you:

Terri Poirier
Mariana Solares
Sharon Jenkins
Zsuzsanna Szabo

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Celebrate Women’s History Month!

In many ways, the history of AAUW is the history of the women’s movement. The founding of AAUW in 1881 began with a meeting of 17 like-minded women who had defied society’s standards by earning college degrees. Today, with more than 100,000 members, 1,300 branches, and 500 college and university partners, AAUW contributes to a more promising future and provides a powerful voice for women and girls—a voice that cannot and will not be ignored.

Throughout its history, AAUW has shaped the social, political, and economic scene for women, including fighting to win women the right to vote; pushing to close the wage gap; and advocating for landmark legislation that has changed women's lives, such as Title IX and the Family and Medical Leave Act. Despite the improvements that have been made, inequities still exist and AAUW continues to work towards diminishing all of them.

Prior to 1972, women were routinely discriminated against in educational opportunities. AAUW strongly supports Title IX and opposes any efforts that would weaken its effectiveness. Through vigorous enforcement of the law and heightened public attention to these issues, even more progress can be made to address areas where more improvement must be made.

There are more working women in the U.S. today than ever before and that number is expected to grow. Yet women face inequity when they enter the workforce, as they find themselves paid less than men for the same or comparable jobs. Women continue to earn only 77 cents on the dollar to their male counterparts. To match men's earnings for 2006, women have to work from January 2006 to April 2007—an extra four months.

AAUW advocated from 1983 to 1992 to pass the Family and Medical Leave Act, which was finally signed into law in 1993. Since then, the FMLA has allowed roughly 80 million Americans to take job-protected leave to care for themselves or a loved one when they need it most. The FMLA has been a tremendous success: it has made America’s workplaces more family-friendly and helped individuals be productive workers and responsible family members.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

MARCH = Women's month

Here all the activities on our Campus for Women's Month.
Please join us in celebrating all women on this planet!


March, ongoing

Women’s History Month exhibit, Lovejoy Library


March, ongoing


exhibit in MUC Art Gallery, 2nd floor

Curated by Laura Strand, assisted by Alicia Pigg and Yvette Booker


March, ongoing

Women’s Studies books 25% off

(excluding textbooks and sale items)

University Bookstore, MUC

Thurs. March 1,
12:30 - 1:45 pm

Date Rape and Sexual Assault Informational Panel

Presented by Robin Pokojski, Call for Help, Inc./Counseling Services

Oak/Red Bud Room, MUC


Fri. March 2, 4:00 - 6:00 pm

Women’s History Month Kickoff Reception


MUC Art Gallery, 2nd Floor


Tues. March 13, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Gender, Fairness, and the Public School Classroom

Brown Bag Discussion

Laurie Puchner and Barbara O’Donnell

Peck Hall 2415

Tues. March 13, 12:30 - 1:45 pm

Mask-ulinity: Revealing the Man Behind

Presented by Richard Avdoian

Peck Hall 3417


Wed. March 14, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Social Work Pioneers: Women in Social Welfare History

Brown Bag Discussion

Social Work Faculty & Students

Peck Hall 3117

Wed. March 14, 6:00 pm

Tough Guise

Film and Discussion

Moderated by Jason Stacy

Peck Hall 2304


Thurs. March 15, 2:30 - 5:00 pm


Photography Exhibit and Reception

Jane Floyd-Hendey and Jamie Currier

Peck Hall 3117


Mon. March 19, 4:30-5:30 pm
Good Work Sister! Women Shipyard Workers of World War II: An Oral History
Film and Discussion
Moderated by Laura Perkins

Peck Hall 0408


Tues. March 20, 12:30 - 1:45 pm

Does Work Pay?: Experiences of Women Moving from Welfare to Work

Presented by Lisa Welch

Peck Hall 3417


Wed. March 21, 12:30 – 1:45 pm

A Jury of Her Peers

Film and Discussion

Moderated by Sue Cataldi

Founders Hall 1408


Thurs. March 22,
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

The DEVIL is in the Details:

Why THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA is one of the Best Films of 2006

Presented by Jan Lisa Huttner

Organized by American Association of University Women, SIUE Branch

Alumni Hall 0206


Thurs. March 22 and Fri. March 23, 7:00 pm

LunaFest Film Festival*

Making Waves

Abbott Auditorium, Lovejoy Library

$7 students

$10 general public, faculty


Tues. March 27, 12:30 - 1:45 pm

Policing Women

Presented by Trish Oberweis

Science Building 0209


Wed. March 28, 7:00 pm

The Vagina Dialogues: Sex and the College Woman

Florence Maatita and Wendy Cook-Mucci

Peck Hall 0412


Fri. March 30, 12:00 – 1:30 pm

Teaching About Gender and Artifacts

Brown Bag Discussion
Laura Fowler, Laura Strand, Allison Thomason, and
Cory Wilmott
Club, MUC


*all events, except the LunaFest Film Festival, are free and open to the public

For Further Info: Professor Anne Valk, Director Women’s Studies Program (618) 650-3660 or wmstdept@siue.edu

Event sponsors include: Women’s Studies Program, College of Arts and Sciences, The University Museum, Making Waves, University Bookstore, Lovejoy Library, Disability Support Services, AAUW (SIUE Branch), Counseling Services, Call for Help, Inc.