Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Summer/Fall 2007 update

This summer was very hot and exciting in events.
The AAUW - National Convention was held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Our SIUE branch had a nice group representing us:
Jenny Bolander,
Sharon Jenkins,
Jo Ann Hall, and
Nola Jones.

They enjoyed the numerous activities at the conference and the heat of Arizona.

Jenny reports that she was most impressed with the LAF reports and the awareness (nation wide) that 80% of AAUW members are above 60 years of age.
She made many new friends and learned from the ones who have more years as members in AAUW than Jenny's age :-)

"It is always uplifting to see and feel the power of women. The new wave implemented through the change in bylaws will hopefully bring younger members and men as well."- said Jenny.

As a reflection of the National Convention direction
our branch will focus this scholar year 2007/2008 on recruitment of our faculty and students as well.

See below some memories Sharon Jenkins graciously shares with us.